
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

40 Things...

1. Today is my birthday.

2. I have 3 boys.

3. I have a sister who lives in Australia.

4. I still play soccer.

5. I grow over 25 tomato plants each summer.

6. I can many quarts of tomatoes each fall.

7. I have taken up sewing.

8. I have met many new and exciting people in bloggyland.

9. I help my husband run his business.

10. I live in an old house that needs lots of work.

11. I spend way too much time on the computer....and it's not work related (shhh, don't tell Jeff).

12. My mom still lives in my childhood home.

13. I love to bake.

14. I love the show The Voice, I especially love Adam Levine.

15. I have 4 nephews and 1 niece at the moment.

16. My sister is expecting her second baby.....gender unknown.

17. I want an International Scout II (my dream vehicle).

18. I have been married for 11 years.

19. We live on 5 acres with my husband's brother's might know one of them (Julia from Our Simple Life).

20. I have a chocolate lab named scout.

21. I love going to Farmer's Market each Saturday.

22. I especially love that my boys sample all the fruit at the stands.

23. I love to read.

24. I LOVE that I don't have to go to a job every day....even though being a mom is the HARDEST thing EVER.

25. I used to wear zebra striped pj's when I was a teenager. They were bright pink and I would wear them now if they made them in adult sizes.

26. My sister and I are 7 years apart....I am the oldest.

27. Jeff and I wanted our boys to be close in age so their age differences are 14 months and 15 months.

28. Which means I had 3 kids in 3 years.

29. My favorite fruit is strawberries.

30. Chocolate is a part of my food pyramid (most days).

31. I love ice cream.

32. I have been pheasant hunting.

33. I still talk with a few of my childhood friends.

34. I have done 6 half-marathons and tossing around the idea of doing another called the Diva.

35. I love races that involve mud, such as the Muddy Buddy and the Warrior Dash.

36. I have been watching Days of Our Lives (off and on) since I was 9.....Thanks Nana.

37. I had knee surgery 5 years ago, I tore my ACL playing soccer.

38. I grow my own pumpkins just so I can have fresh pumpkin for bread, cupcakes, and muffins. They just taste so much better than the store bought pumpkin puree.

39. I am not a morning person, unless it is on my terms.

40. Last, but not least, I have made some really great friends in my little town.


1. Holly Diane said...

Happy Birthday! I love lists like this, you learn alot about the bloggers this way :) I have a yellow lab named Scout...
I love the pumpkin back ground of your blog !

2. Tink said...

❤ Happy Birthday Suzi.✿