
Monday, May 26, 2014

Ella's Quilt

When we lived at the old house I would work on quilts a little more regularly. I had the space, I had my "sewing room" in the dining room. Ella, my niece, would come over and chat with me while I cut and pieced.

One day she went home and asked her mom if she could make her a quilt for her bed. Ella had recently received a quilt her mom had made for Christmas, but she wanted another one. She proceeded to ask her mom "How can we make Suzi make me a quilt?" Julia informed her that she can't make anyone do anything.

So I heard the story for the quilt and slowly, very slowly started to make it. I think it took a little more than a year to get it done.

This is the biggest quilt I have ever made. It was quite a feat. It was made for my niece for her queen size bed. Ella got this quilt on Valentine's Day. I'm pretty sure she is liking it.

This is the front. It is 100+ squares of randomness.

Here is the front with a view of the back. There is lots of teal on the back of the quilt. Ella's room is teal.

And here is a slightly better view of the front. 
It turned out pretty cute, if I do say so myself.
Enjoy Ella.


1. Heather said...

Very cute Suzi. Did you quilt it yourself or send it to a long-armer?