
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Mom....

I guess I really do fit the title of "Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Mom", a title I relish. Remember the books I bought from the book fair? Well, I am going to donate them. Two of the boys are devastated.

I went back and bought the books the boys wanted and placed them in the tool box in my truck. I even went as far as locking the tool box to keep the boys from getting into it. Well that didn't work. Luke comes in the house with the two books he wanted and says "I know why you didn't take us back in to get the books!" in a sing song voice. I take a look and he has this look on his face like "Ha ha ha ha, I am getting what I want!" I walked over to him, took the books and put them back in the tool box and locked it again. I then told Luke that I was going to take them back to the book fair and return them. Well he fell apart. Crying, crying, and more crying. He told Trevor that I was taking the books back, but neglected to tell him why. Now I have two crying kids, one of which is calling me mean, unfair, an idiot, etc.

I didn't take the books back, I kept them and decided to save them for their birtdays........which are June and August. It would be a long wait. Scratch that, birthday books are not going to happen either. I went outside to find one boy with the key to the tool box and one boy sitting in front of the tool box. Both claim they didn't get into it, but they did. Evidence tells me they lied. The book Luke wanted and the book Trevor wanted were no longer in the bag and I know they didn't just walk out of the bag on their own. Busted!

So now I am a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Mom and they don't let me forget it. They think I am being unfair because I am not giving them the books. Well, too bad! I don't think they should go out of their way to find the key to something they have no business being in. They will learn from this that they need to mind their business.


1. Anonymous said...

Stay strong Mom...this is a lesson they definetly need to learn!

2. rachel... said...

I think you're right. And it's funny because my kids have been mad at me for a month because I refused to order the books they wanted from school. Little do they know I have designs to surprise them on xmas! And also, my 9 year-old said to me yesterday over dinner in that same sing-song voice: "I was in the van and I saw some xmas presents in the trunk!" I told her she had better mind her own business from now on. But guess what? The jokes on her, because those were presents were for her BROTHER! For his birthday next week! Ha!

What ARE you going to do with the books now? Maybe have the kids give them as gifts for friends? Is that cruel?

3. Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

You did the right thing. Sometime the lessons are hard, but apparently they definitely need to be taught a lesson.

4. Tink said...

Welcome to the no good mom club. We have many many members! lol

5. Anonymous said...

Geez, I can only imagine how hard that is. Just the other day Iwas wondering to myself how many parents just give in. Mainly because there are so many days when I do. And I am always disappointed in myself. I guess I am still struggling with when a 2 year old should be able to tell how to behave well. But there comes a point where you have to teach a lesson.

6. Julia said...

You are the worst Mom ever Suzi. And don't you forget it. ha haaa.

7. the shoppe owner said...

Oh, dear... Sigh...

Wouldn't it be awesome if our children would simply trust us for once??? When will they finally learn that we do want them to have these little pleasures? That we do want good things for them? And that, even though they regularly almost send us to the crazy house, dag nabbit, we love 'em!

I have been in your shoes. And I love and agree with what Tink said above.

One of my favorite quotes is this one (it applies to more groups that mothers, but I love it for that reason most I think):

"We are all in the same boat in a stormy sea, and we owe each other a terrible loyalty."

-G. K. Chesterton

Be strong, mama! And remember that you're not alone.