
Sunday, December 13, 2009

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

.........why must you be so elusive.
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
why is it so hard to find you?

It's just barely December
yet all the tree farms are closed
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
jump out in front of my truck.

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
we drove around for hours
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
my kids are starting to get grumpy

For every street we turn down
there's hope we'll find the right one
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
why must you be so elusive?

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
the kids want to cut you down
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
the rain is falling on us

We don't really want a bush
so we must keep on looking
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
we really want to find you

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
you were in the last place we looked
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
we are all so glad we found you.


Aunt Spicy said...

Seriously? The Christmas Tree lots were closed? Well I am so glad you found one after all...and what a cute little poem!

Julia said...

I must say that is the best tree you guys have had yet! Seriously.

Debbie said...

I'm happy for you! You gotta have a tree. That's a great one:)

Carrie said...

shhhhh.....keep it quiet I might actually get to check my bloggy friends posts without interuption. They will never think to look in the closet:)
Your tree looks great and I am glad you finally found one.
Merry Christmas!!!!