
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Yes.....We Are "Those" Neighbors

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July.

We spent our 4th of July unpacking from our camping trip (more on that later) and setting up our pool. Yes, it is an above ground pool. We call it the "Ghetto/Redneck" pool. Please don't take's just that we live in an area where this type of pool IS considered "Ghetto/Redneck" and I'm okay with that. After all it's about cooling off and giving the kids another source of tiring themselves out.

The men putting it together. Did you notice what it is sitting on? Classy, don't ya think?

Our way of filling it. Yes, a water wagon. My hubby uses it on some of his jobs and it was perfect for filling the pool quickly. After all the hose would probably take all night, the pool holds a bit more than 3,000 gallons.

The boys standing under the jets of the water wagon. They are loving it!

Good Times!


1. Tink said...

I am so jealous the kids look like they are having a great time!

2. Grand Pooba said...

Ha ha! I love that picture of Ella!!!

Hey, I group up with a little green turtle pool, ghetto or not, yours kicks ass!

3. theUngourmet said...

We do the redneck pool every dang summer! I need to borrow that truck! ;D

4. Anonymous said...

love your blog reminds me of happier days of my youth!

5. rachel... said...

I think your pool looks amazing! My kids have been running through the sprinkler in our front yard in various stages of undress! How's that for redneck/ghetto!?

6. Teachinfourth said...

This is one way to get kids to bathe...