How does this happen? I'm not really sure. I have been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad blogger for a while now and I get a message from my super stylish bloggy friend
Pooba letting me know she thinks I am stylin'. I guess when you've got it,
you've got it!

Okay, so this award wasn't really free, I actually have to work for it, here's the rules:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 8 things about yourself
3. Pass it on to 8 bloggers
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award
Here I go.
1. I am waiting for the hubby to get the dirt bikes on the trailer so we can take the boys riding.
2. I have about 3 loads of laundry to fold and 3 loads of laundry to wash.
3. I'm thinking about taking a nutrition class, but haven't sent in my application yet.
4. UPS just delivered dirt biking gear for the boys.
5. I would sit on my wood burning stove when I am cold if I couldn't get burned.
6. Will be running a 1/2 Marathon in Ogden, Utah in May. Are you ready Cyndie? Hopefully I will be able to meet Kelly while I am out there.
7. I like to record the show Hoarders, watch it, and tear through my house in a cleaning and purging frenzy.
8. Wednesday I am going to do some of my Man Chores. Yep, I said it, Man Chores. I am going to spray the weeds and if time permitting pull up the rest of the drip line and tomato cages from the garden.
Now I get to pass this along to 8 of my bloggy friends. Hmm......I don't know if I can drum up 8, but I will try.