
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Poor Baby

My poor baby took a header. He is certainly following in my foot steps in the injury arena. Not. Good. I have certainly done worse, but if this is any indication then I am in for it.

Monday, Labor Day, we went to a friends place to BBQ and just enjoy the great outdoors. Jeff took the boys up early so they could ride their dirt bikes around the property. I stayed home, did some cleaning, preparing of foods, packing of coolers, and vegging in front of the TV....just to take a break. All was well with the world.

So I get up there and crack open a beer. Mmm, good old Sam Adams made my evening. As the afternoon progressed the boys went for more dirt bike rides and then the adults did some target practice. My kids were masters at pulling the string for the clay pigeons. I did fairly well, about 70% of the targets hit. Not bad since I haven't been shooting since December....and that was for a pheasant. Still the evening is shaping up to be pleasant.

The boys, throughout the afternoon, had been riding their bikes down a steep hill and applying breaks when necessary. They were all pros. No speed wobbles, no, veering off the beaten path, no bumps in the road..........until we start packing it in to head home.

Adam, who had been going down the hill all afternoon, took a header. He got the speed wobbles towards the end of the hill and just lost it. He landed spread eagle, but his face broke the fall. Road rash? Nope. Impact fall? Absolutely! It didn't look so bad that evening, swelling to a minimum, very little bleeding at his mouth. The only other visible injury was a bruise on his leg where his handle bar jabbed into his thigh. That is still tender.

He woke up Tuesday morning with lots of swelling, a black eye, and a bit of self consciousness. I was volunteering in his class that morning, so we went to school. I left him after recess and then the "mother's guilt" set in. Should I have brought him home? Probably. I know my friend Laura scolded me from here to Timbuktu and back, she thought I was crazy, probably thinks I am insensitive and maybe I am. I talked with Adam's teacher, she had my number, I know she would have called if Adam showed any sign of discomfort or acted unusual. What I need to remember is that Adam is a tough kid, probably tougher than any of the other boys and he isn't any worse for the wear. My biggest concern was a fractured cheek bone. I called the advice nurse and based on our discussion we are going to watch and wait.

Today, swelling has come down, his eye is a bit more purple, and his lips are looking more normal. He is one tough cookie. He went to school like a self consciousness today. Nope. None. Kids are resilient. As for a fractured cheek bone. Not likely. Thank goodness.


1. Liz Mays said...

If it didn't bother him to be at school, then I think it was fine. He'd let you know if he wasn't ready, right?

But, I'm sorry that he took such a tough tumble.

2. Julia said...

I think when you look at the pictures in 10 years from now you will be all "OH MY GOD!" But Adam is the strong and silent type so you're lucky there.

3. Aunt Spicy said...

Ohhhhh, bless his heart! I probably would have kept him home, but I am a bit of a softy on bumps and bruises. Maybe it was super cool to have hill-battle-wounds at school!

4. Aunt Spicy said...

ps. LOVE the photo on the blog!

5. Grand Pooba said...

Oh my gosh! Poor guy! I'm sure he was just fine at school!

Hope he gets to 100% soon!

6. xoxoKrysten said...

Aw, poor kid!

7. Frogs in my formula said...

Ooof! But like you said, kids are resilient and he probably scored some coolness points for toughing it out at school.

P.S. I love your photo too!

8. theUngourmet said...

I'm so sorry! I hope he heals fast!

I love your cute new header!

Oh yeah and your jam is still sitting on my counter in a box. It got too hot in the car so I brought it back inside and here it sits. Am I lame or what?!

9. Carrie said...

OKay,I'm two days late here.
So sorry about Adam's injury. Kids are so tough though.
I hope he is feeling much better.
I love your new picture too!
You look like you are having so much fun on that bicycle. I wish I had a place to ride here at our home. Living in the city has it's down falls.

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