
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Shhhh........don't tell

But I am on the computer again and it's not to do the invoicing. I am trying to be sneaky, but seem to get caught, regularly. I hate it when I get much shame. Anytime I hear someone walking through the house or opening the door to come inside I switch to my home page, jump up, and act like I am doing something useful. Most of the time I am not doing anything useful.....but that's between you and me, okay?

At least now I have an excuse for getting caught. I am working on the auction for our school and I am in charge of registration as well as inputting some of the items procured. That is ALL done on the computer. So when Jeff comes in I fudge the truth a little....I tell him it's for the auction. But that's not going to last long, my job for the auction will end October 2, then I won't have an excuse.

Ooohh, I hear someone! Shhh, don't tell I was blogging. See, my family, especially Jeff and Trevor, seem to think I have an addiction and they feel that it is with the computer. Hmmmm......they might have a point. Hey, it could be worse, you know, drugs, alcohol, sex, etc. Or I could be having an affair. At least it's with words on a computer. I could be out on the town while I leave my hubby at home to fend for himself AND deal with the boys, but it's just the computer.

From what I understand my sister is being accused with the same thing! Imagine that. She told me she also clicks back to the home page and bolts out of her chair when she hears her dear, loving hubby come through the restaurant. Hey don't worry Erika, I won't tell if you don't. Okay, I better go........see you all later!


1. Frogs in my formula said...

LOL. If it makes you feel better, you are not alone (or, you and your sister). I sneak upstairs all the time just to hop on for a minute. If Chuck comes upstairs I lie and say I was checking on a freelance project. I hate getting caught too!

2. Aunt Spicy said...

Hilarious! I wondered where you were, am laughing that you are having to sneak in blogging time! Good luck!

3. Jenny-Jenny said...

I have so been there! I'm trying to cut down by reading writing and commenting faster which only seems to cause more typos! Happy hiding!!

4. monica said...

Oh I am so addicted also. I do that where I sneak into the office as long as the boys aren't getting into trouble and then sneak back out when I hear a bit of a commusion. I am so with oyu on this one!!

5. Mammatalk said...

Addict, you are! ;-)

And, you are not alone!

6. Grand Pooba said...

Hmmm, is it bad if I'm in your situation but instead of my home, I'm at work?


7. Liz Mays said...

They just don't understand how much trouble blogging keeps us out of!

8. Rhiannon Bosse said...

haha this is too funny and too true :) I love it. I also love that you took the time out to come over to my blog and leave your advice and sweet words. How silly of me to think that no one reads my blog because I have amazing people like you that lend support!! Thank you greatly and have a blessed week!! xo

9. Julia said...

You know what Mike says... "Your having a relationship outside our marriage with people on the computer..." He is such a dreadful downer sometimes.