Ever wonder why kids choose to fight, bicker, argue, nit pick at the most inopportune time for moms? Yeah,
*sigh* me too. Why is it they choose to do battle in the back seat of the truck on the way to school? Not just bickering or verbally abusing each other, but full on fist fights. Why? Because they know you are too busy driving and
trying to be safe on the road. How is it that telling them, firmly, to keep their hands to themselves doesn't seem to work? Or telling them a bit more firmly and a bit louder that they need to keep their hands to themselves? Why does it take a crazy ass woman shouting at the top of her lungs to regain order in the vehicle? I'm not sure either. Sometimes I just want to tell them this:

Pardon my language.
Oh my god I am laughing so hard! Oh I love you Suzi, that was hillrious and totally unexpected. You're awesome.
Ha Ha, I don't miss that at all!!!!! The good news is that they will have kids one day and they will wish they behaved better.
lol..yeah...they know how to play the system...
Crazy freaked out mom get's them every time!
Good luck on that.
Oh I hate it when they start fighting in the car. You have no control because like you said you are trying to be safe on the road...it's awful.
Yes! Could NOT have said that better myself! The worst is when my oldest exclaims: "MOM! You don't have to yell!" and I'm like WTF? I DO have to yell or else nobody listens to me!!!
SOOOO glad to know it's not just me!
I always figured as long as they were seat belted in, no real serious harm could happen unless they had an object in hand that could be used as a weapon-was I wrong?
Then again, we had a van and only two kids, so they had a whole seat to themselves most times....
I always find the dramatic break screeching and pulling over on the highway does alot of good. If you can drive over dust and make a cloud even better.
OMGosh! Where did you that picture of me? LOL
Kids can definately make you want to admit yourself to a nut house sometimes.
When I go all freaked out crazy mama, my girl just cries and gets really loud. Just doesn't work with her. I have no good methods of treatment.
Wow. Sounds like the story of my life. I am constantly raving like a lunatic just to get them hear me!
Oh my gosh Suzi that is hysterical. I say that to The hubster all the time. I tell him I have something for him and when he says what I tell it's a big can of shut the hell up! LoL
Hilarious! Of course, my kids never do this and I have never thought that in my life! ;0)
I am just an Aunt, all children are perfect around me...I wish!
You betcha! I have said that (in my head) so many darn times!
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