
Friday, March 26, 2010

I've been working my tail off........

......but it's not going away. At the beginning of the year I hired myself a personal trainer, who is also a friend of mine. She looks incredible, you can tell she works out hard for the figure she has. I want that figure, I want to look as good as I feel, I want to look amazing.

I have to give myself credit, I dropped my cholesterol 20 points since I started working out. When I say working out I mean interval/circuit training. Boy is that hard on the body. It hurts soooooo good. It hurts so good that I keep going back for more on Thursday's and Friday's. I have stopped my one-on-ones to concentrate on my running because I was training for a 1/2 marathon (more on that later), but I won't give up Thursday and Friday.

I know things are happening, I can see a little, I can feel a lot, but patience is not a strong point with me....never has been. I am not one for instant gratification, but I would have more faith if I could see MORE results.

This is what it comes down to. I want to go from this:

To this:

I would LOVE to look that good running. Someday....even if it is only in my dreams.


1. Murdock's mama said...

Patience isn't my best virtue either! I also would like to go from the first photo to the second but I don't think I'll ever have that much dedication/drive for it! :(
Good luck! Can't wait to hear about your 1/2 marathon training...

2. Murdock's mama said...

Patience isn't my best virtue either! I also would like to go from the first photo to the second but I don't think I'll ever have that much dedication/drive for it! :(
Good luck! Can't wait to hear about your 1/2 marathon training...

3. Carrie said...

Did you say patience? Um! Yeah...I don't have a lot and sure don't pray for it either. :)
I know how you feel...keep on working at it and it will happen.
How does your diet look? Not a diet diet, but what you are eating.
I am really having great success with what I am doing. Remember that?

4. Jingle said...

how cute your photos are,
love the running one best,
Happy Sunday!

5. Tink said...

Keep up the good work. You will get there. I can't wait to hear about the 1/2. How do you like drinking out of your new wine glass?

6. Tammy said...

Weight loss is definately not an instant gratification process...I only wish! :) Hang in there and keep working at it. I am working at it too.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love new friends. Stop by anytime and say hi. Have a good Sunday!