
Monday, November 11, 2013

A Month of Thankfulness


November is probably one of my favorite months. One reason is because my birthday falls in November. Another is that Thanksgiving falls in November. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It involves family, friends, and lots of good food. I also love that there aren't any gifts or commercialization of it. It's all about being together and spending quality time as a family.

These are the things I am Thankful for:

  1. My boys, all of them. Jeff, Luke, Trevor, and Adam I love you all to the moon and back.
  2. My dog. She puts a smile on my face each and everyday no matter what kind of mood I am in.
  3. My health.
  4. My mom, sister, and sister's family. Sadly, I don't see my sister and her family nearly enough, she lives in Australia. I live close enough to see my mom, but talk with her more than I see her.
  5. My In-laws. They just rock!
  6. My friends. I have the best people in my life, they inspire me, give me perspective, lots of laughs, and lots of love.
  7. For the men and women who fight for our country and all our freedoms. Thank you, you are all very appreciated.
  8. That I get to stay home and be here for the boys.
  9. Hot coffee on cool Fall days.
  10. The laughter of my boys when they are getting along.
  11. Flowers that brighten a room.
  12. Dessert, there is always room for dessert.
  13. For where we live. 
  14. Good books.
  15. A hard workout.
  16. Changing of the seasons.
  17. Plumbing and electricity.
  18. A hot summer day.
  19. Beach days.
  20. Nieces and nephews who bring me humor.
  21. That Jeff is crafty, handy, and has the ability to make anything work.
  22. That Jeff is so patient with me.
  23. That I am able to grow a garden.
  24. That my dad taught me how to can vegetables from the garden.
  25. My boys like to bake.
  26. Small town living.
  27. Country living.
  28. Another Thanksgiving with family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving!


1. Tink said...

You do have so much to be thankful for.