
Monday, November 4, 2013

The Day I Started Blogging

 #14 The Day I Started Blogging

It isn't a glamorous story.
 It's not a fascinating story. 
It's not even a suspenseful or intriguing story. 
The day I started blogging was a quiet, cleaning kind of day. It was a beautiful Winter Day, sun shining, warm out and we were cleaning the Jeep. THAT is when I decided to start the blog.

My SIL was recording events, family events, pictures, and funnies on a blog. Perhaps you have heard of it? Our Simple Life?
I had been reading hers for a while and she convinced me it was a great idea. 

I thought long and hard about it. 
I'm not one to say a lot so I was worried I wouldn't have much to share. 
I took the plunge. I started a blog. This one here.

My first post wasn't fabulous, but its a story the kids can look back on and remember. 
It's about our Jeep.
Gotta start somewhere right?

I still feel as if I don't have a lot to say or share. 
Which is probably why I haven't been posting much in the past year or more.
I guess everyone has a writer's block, I think I have sharing block.
I just need to remember that it is a forum to share with my family. 
Maybe some day the boys will read it and laugh uncontrollably about some of their antics or some of my frustrations.


1. Tink said...

Plus it helps me keep up with what you and your family are doing.

2. Heather said...

I went back and re-read your older posts and you have tons to share! I especially laughed (again) at the haunting socks and interview with the boys. So keep on bloggin :)