This is boy #1. He is well mannered, a bit shy, very helpful (a bit too helpful at times), and a bit too serious for a 7 year old. I have to laugh because he has learned a word from me that needs to be erased from his vocabulary. He uses this word very well, in the right context, and with the proper amount of emphasis.
He uses it at times of anger (towards his brothers) and when he is in pain. Can you guess? S**T! It is actually a bit comical to hear it come out of his mouth even though it is wrong. For a while there it got to the point where I started charging him a dollar every time a swear word came out of his mouth. I think we are up to $10. The deal is I only charge if I hear it, not if his brother's tell on him. So I have heard him a total of 10 times since I made up "The Swear Jar". At least hubby can't be too mad at me for going to get my ritual mocha.....boy # 1 is paying for it.
There is only one time I have not charged him and that was when we were in the back yard playing basketball. He had the ball, was going for the hoop and I went in the same direction, we collided and he went down. My knee went into his thigh and gave him a major charlie. Like I said he went DOWN, he dropped and my only reaction was to laugh. In my moment of laughter he is on the ground shouting out his expletive......S**T! I can't help myself, between my uncontrollable laughing and him writhing on the ground I point to him saying "AAAHHHH, you said it!" He realizes what I am talking about and tries his hardest to backtrack (he can't stand the thought of parting with his money)...............I am still laughing hysterically, to the point of crying and needing air. Well that gets him crying on a whole new level. When I was able to settle down I let him off the hook and told him he wouldn't have to pay for that one, I would let it slide. I must say he has become a bit better with his mouth, not so much of a potty mouth these days. The joys of a "Swear Jar", it is quite effective.
Sadly, before "The Swear Jar" really took effect for boy #1 he taught his youngest cousin, who is 2 years old, how to say this word. When she gets frustrated or is having a hard time doing a task she is like a broken record "Oh S**T, Oh S**T, Oh, S**T". It's sad that she is picking this up from my kids, but funny too as she doesn't realize what she is saying is inappropriate for a 2 year old, or any other child for that matter. Now that I have pointed it out to boy #1 and earned myself some mochas he realizes the power of words and his role as a role model for his brother's and cousin's.
AAAHHH the joys of children. Such fun, such work, but I love him all the same......just so long as he loses the potty mouth (kidding, I will still love him).