Hey, have you heard? Julia is doing a
thing over at
The Apron Goddesses. She wants to know where your aprons have been. Want to play? Of course you do! So go grab your apron, put it on and tell everyone about it. Then go to The Apron Goddesses and add yourself to Mr. Linky. Easy Peasy, right?
What are you waiting for? I just gave you a personal invitation! Go on, don't be shy.
This lovely apron was a sweet win! I entered the weekly give away held over at The Apron Goddesses and won this sweet floral design made by
Sassy Smox. You'll have to go check it out, there are some awesome aprons over there. You won't be disappointed.

As a kid I always had cats. I wasn't allowed to have a dog. My parents didn't want to put a fence up at the drive way and they were sure that the care of a dog would fall on them....feeding, walking, etc. They were probably right.
I haven't had a cat since I left home. That is about 15 years now. Last summer that all changed. Not only did we rescue a cat from perilous harm across the road, one happened to show up in my dilapidated garage. She was very skittish when she showed up. She would go to Julia's house to get some food....it's the happenin' spot for cats around here. Julia named her Vapor because when she would show up to get some food she would dart off in a mist of vapor when someone approached.
Once I caught sight of her and her hiding place, the dilapidated garage, I bought some food and started to feed her closer to her comfort zone. Nobody really goes into the garage so it was Vapor's safe haven. Each day I would go out and fill her bowl, all the while talking to her and just watching, getting her used to people......primarily me. Well my patience and consistency paid off, she finally let me pet her after about 3 weeks. Shortly after that I was able to pick her up, briefly, but it was a start. Eventually she let my oldest, Luke, pet her (he is a bit of a cat whisperer). Now when I go outside she talks to me and follows me almost any where. If I am folding laundry, she lays on the folded laundry. She plants herself right in the middle of what I am doing. She is the sweetest, mild tempered cat I have had in a long time.
So, now I am a proud owner of a beautiful floral apron and a beautiful feline we all call Vapor.
Get in on the fun over at
The Apron Goddesses and stumble through the pages of women and/or men who are brave enough to show their stuff in their aprons. Come on, it'll be fun and you get to meet new people. Just do it!