
Thursday, April 30, 2009

April Accomplishments

At the beginning of April I decided to join a challenge put on by Tallgrass Prarie Studio, it involved getting as many projects done as you can in the month of April. My list isn't long, but I tend to be a bit of a procrastinator so this was good for me. My goals were to make 2 children's aprons, a mom and me apron set, a gardening apron, and 6 burp cloths for a friend of mine.

Here is a picture of 3 children's aprons. I call them manprons because I made them for my boys for Easter.

This is the gardening apron I made for a Mother's Day gift.

These are the Mom and Daughter aprons I made for Cookie Girl and CGIT.

The burp cloths for my girlfriend who is due in 5 weeks.

These are the items I set out to accomplish in April and I am happy to say I did get them done. I also made another garden apron, but don't have a picture of it yet. So I guess now I need to set a few sewing goals for May. Happy Sewing!


1. Sally's World said...

you are very talented...i cannot sew a thing...

2. Julia said...

You are just sewing your little fingers to the bone now aren't you Miss Suzi homemaker! ;)

3. Carrie said...

Sewing Suzi Homemaker! That is your new nickname. :)

Hey....have you picked on Julia lately?

You can make her squirm a little once you get your package today.
She will be itching to try something that you create, I'm sure of it!


4. Grand Pooba said...

That's it! I don't know why I never thought of it before, but I need a garden apron! What a great idea!

5. nikkicrumpet said...

WOW that's a lot to accomplish in between regular daily should give yourself a big pat on the back. Not only is it a lot of stuff...but it's all wonderful! I love the gardening apron...very handy little item!

6. theUngourmet said...

Oh, I just love the mom and daughter ones with the cherries! I love the ric-rac(sp?)on the pockets!

Thanks for the comments over my way! We will definitely go back to Pump It Up soon!

7. Tink said...

I so proud of you. You amaze me, I think that is alot of sewing. You don't see pictures of my sewing.

8. Anonymous said...

I may have to sign on to get some of those burp clothes! I love them!

9. Yarni Gras! said...

what terrific aprons! I wish I'd known about the challenge....I would have joined!

10. Aunt Spicy said...

You are killing me! So super cute! The matching burp cloths are just precious...I am so impressed with you!

11. Anonymous said...

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