At the beginning of April I decided to join a challenge put on by
Tallgrass Prarie Studio, it involved getting as many projects done as you can in the month of April. My list isn't long, but I tend to be a bit of a procrastinator so this was good for me. My goals were to make 2 children's aprons, a mom and me apron set, a gardening apron, and 6 burp cloths for a friend of mine.

Here is a picture of 3 children's aprons. I call them manprons because I made them for my boys for Easter.

This is the gardening apron I made for a Mother's Day gift.

These are the Mom and Daughter aprons I made for
Cookie Girl and CGIT.

The burp cloths for my girlfriend who is due in 5 weeks.
These are the items I set out to accomplish in April and I am happy to say I did get them done. I also made another garden apron, but don't have a picture of it yet. So I guess now I need to set a few sewing goals for May. Happy Sewing!
you are very talented...i cannot sew a thing...
You are just sewing your little fingers to the bone now aren't you Miss Suzi homemaker! ;)
Sewing Suzi Homemaker! That is your new nickname. :)
Hey....have you picked on Julia lately?
You can make her squirm a little once you get your package today.
She will be itching to try something that you create, I'm sure of it!
That's it! I don't know why I never thought of it before, but I need a garden apron! What a great idea!
WOW that's a lot to accomplish in between regular daily should give yourself a big pat on the back. Not only is it a lot of stuff...but it's all wonderful! I love the gardening apron...very handy little item!
Oh, I just love the mom and daughter ones with the cherries! I love the ric-rac(sp?)on the pockets!
Thanks for the comments over my way! We will definitely go back to Pump It Up soon!
I so proud of you. You amaze me, I think that is alot of sewing. You don't see pictures of my sewing.
I may have to sign on to get some of those burp clothes! I love them!
what terrific aprons! I wish I'd known about the challenge....I would have joined!
You are killing me! So super cute! The matching burp cloths are just precious...I am so impressed with you!
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