
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Beauty of a Gathering Apron

Yesterday, while running on the treadmill and watching my favorite daytime soap opera....I was barely into my first mile with the TV blasted as loud as it could go I see the UPS man drive up and leave a package on the fence post. Hmmmm......what could it be? My apron from the Garden Apron Swap? I decided I would finish the first mile before I would go investigate.

Not too long ago I joined The Garden Apron Swap over at Lucy and Shawnee's place. This was a blind swap, so I had no idea who had me. I was delighted to find out that Cookie Girl had me! She made a beautiful gathering apron for me. I love it. She also sent some goodies that included magnets, recipe cards, a bookmark, a jar of home made strawberry jam, and some notecards.

Doesn't all that look awesome? Thank you so much Cookie Girl, I can't wait to harvest some vegetables.

Here is the apron full length.

Now it is all tied up ready to harvest some veggies. I am patiently waiting for some tomatoes, squash, and other goodies to ripen. When they do I will be ready with this lovely apron. Cookie Girl, for a first apron, you did an amazing job! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Don't mind Vapor, she is a little camera shy!


1. Liz Mays said...

Wow! That was so much more than an apron swap! Awesome!

Thanks for the welcome back! I'm glad to be back!

2. theUngourmet said...

That is darling!

Cool UPS truck! My dad works for UPS and he doesn't get a nifty truck like that one. I will have to tell him about it!

3. Jenny-Jenny said...

Oh, that is very cool. Have fun with it!

4. Anonymous said...

Lucky you...that's just too cute!!

5. Julia said...

Nice that Vapor decided to do a cameo in your photo! And CG did you good!

6. Eclectic Chic Style said...

Love it!!!
♥ Teresa

7. malleycc said...

WOW cool UPS truck and apron too. Cool apron swap.

8. San-Dee said...

great package you got and really nice photos....

I've never seen a UPS truck like that.

9. Roxane said...

I like the apron! Very cute :)
What's up with the tricked-out UPS truck?! LOL did it go on that "pimp my ride" show

10. Grand Pooba said...

Nice butt (I'm referring to Vapor, but I'm sure you've got a nice one too!)

What a great idea for an apron, you can have it at any length! You look devine!

11. Anonymous said...

Seriously, how totally rockin' is that UPS truck?! Of course, same with the goodies you got from the swap. Lookin hot in your apron as usual!

12. Yarni Gras! said...

i REALLY wanted to join that swap...your apron and goodies look WONDERFUL!

13. Tink said...

That is a great apron, and for her first try at it she did a great job.