
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Happy Birthday #1

It was 8 years ago today that you entered my life in a crazy, emotional way. It seems impossible that it has been 8 years. You have grown and changed in many, many ways. You went from this colicky infant who needed to be held and fed ALL. THE. TIME. to an independent, helpful little boy.

It has been a pleasure to see you grow by leaps and bounds over the years. I have had fun watching you develop skills, come out of your shell, and truly enjoy the wonders around you. I love to hear you laugh, that deep from the belly laugh that is so rare. I enjoy how serious you can are a lot like your dad in that regard. I love that you are so gentle and caring with the animals (with the exception of certain roosters) and your cousin. I love that you take the time to read to your cousin and occasionally to your brothers.

It is a real joy to watch you ride your dirt bike and bicycle. You show such confidence and skill on both. The best part is that when you do fall you get right back on and tear it up. I love to watch you catch air as you hit the jumps here at home and on our bike rides at Paradise. The camaraderie you have with your uncle and dad while on the dirt bike is awesome. It seems as if you challenge them as much as they do you. How lucky you are to have 2 men to look up to and learn from as well as play with.

Seeing the joy on your face when you catch fish is a blessing. Your face beams with pride and awe and you have a smile that is a mile wide when you catch your fish. It is even exciting for me to see your eagerness in cleaning the fish in order to prepare it for lunch/dinner.

Because of you I am able to learn new things and see the world differently, I get to experience it through your eyes. Thank you for blessing me with your presence and thank you for letting me experience life with you, you make it a pleasure. I love you very much!

Happy Birthday Luke!


1. theUngourmet said...

Happy Birthday Luke! What a great fish!

My son will be eight in August and I can tell by what you've written that our sons would be instant buddies! :0)

Eight Is Great!

2. Tink said...

Happy Birthday Luke. What a great boy you have.

3. Frogs in my formula said...

Aw. Happy birthday!

4. Sally's World said...

happy Birthday Luke xxx

5. monica said...

Happy Birthday Luke!

6. The Mind of a Mom said...

Happy Birthday Luke!
Great Catch by the way :o)

7. Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

Happy Birthday Luke!!

I always love these sappy birthday tributes.

Be sure to stop by my blog and collect your award!

8. Debbie said...

Happy birthday to Luke. What a loving post.

9. Grand Pooba said...

Awwwww, Happy Birthday #1! Luke is so cute!

10. Liz Mays said...

That is such a beautiful birthday letter! :) What a handsome young man he is!

11. Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Of course I am a sap for special letters like this. So thanks for sharing and helping me to see all that I will too get to enjoy in the future with my son!

12. Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to your 'little one' ;-) So glad you stopped by to visit my blog. I use Picnik but hopefully will be upgrading to Photoshop soon! Love your layout, so festive!

Jamie :)

13. kimert said...

Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog!! :) Hope your handsome fella had a great birthday!

14. Deb said...

-->I hope your son has a great birthday!