
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

9 years and still going!

It has been 9 years since we tied the proverbial knot. Nine years, who would have thought? Yay for us right?

I met dear, loving hubby through a mutual friend. At the time I had just started SJSU, was homeless, and really didn't have a job in the area. I house hopped for 6 months until I could move into a brand new apartment and went home every Thursday, which was a 3 hour drive, to go to work. Tuesday morning I would be up at 4 AM to make an 8 o'clock class. I did this for about 6 months. I did land a job at a child care center where I met Laura....the mutual friend. Little did I know that she had plans for me. She had the grand idea to set me up with Jeff, despite the fact I had a boyfriend (eventually I came to my senses about the boyfriend and moved on....with Jeff).

Every time we went out she would make sure Jeff was around. Was he a good guy? Absolutely! Was I interested? Absolutely not! As I said before I moved on from the boyfriend, but kept Jeff at an arm's length for a long while.....I didn't want a boyfriend, I wanted to have fun. Well I did have fun, but Jeff was persistent. Obviously I caved.

We were married 9 years ago in the middle of the redwoods. We rode on a steam train....guests too and had a great time. I'm not your sappy type, but I love him very much and wouldn't change a thing. After all he puts up with my nonsensical rants, bouts of fury and frustration, and on top of it all he is very patient with me and the boys.

Happy Anniversary and I love you Jeff!


1. Jennifer Paganelli said...

good thing you caved sounds like you got a winner!!

2. Liz Mays said...

I love your wedding story. That's the coolest thing! Happy Anniversary!

3. Julia said...

I guess congratulations since I know too many extenuating circumstances. And no mention of the "impressionable stage."


4. theUngourmet said...

Happy Belated Anniversary! :0)

5. Aunt Spicy said...

CONGRATS!!!! And here is to many more years of happiness and occasional rants tossed in to make it lively!

6. Carrie said...

Congratulations on 9 years! That is so great. Mr. Cookie and I have been married 8 this past February.
I love being married.

7. rachel... said...

Hope you and Jeff had a wonderful anniversary, Suzi!!