
Friday, June 5, 2009

Monkey Bars - 1, Boy #3 - 0

Why not end the week as good as we started it? It started with a flooded laundry room and ended with a broken arm. The days in between were great, uneventful, and well, normal.

Today I went with Boy #2's class to visit a local fire station. The kids had a great time, the fire fighters were entertaining and it was one we haven't been to before. I think I can say that we have been to all of the ones in town.....there are 2 and then a CDF....and we have seen them all.

When the field trip was over I took the kids back to school and Boy #3 wanted to do the monkey bars. I told him to wait....he isn't tall enough to reach them. While I was walking the boys back to class Boy #3 decided to be brave and give it a go.....he made his flying leap and reached for the monkey bars. They were a bit too far of a reach and he fell on his arm and hit his head too. Boy #2 saw it all and reported to me "Mom, Boy #3 just fell and hurt himself." I start to walk over to him and the teacher is walking him toward me......he is crying. I take a look and his arm looks fine, but is limp....first clue there is a problem. I ask if he is okay and he says "No." He doesn't want to move it, nor does he want me to touch it.....second clue there is a problem. I decide to take him to the hospital since out pediatrician is 40 minutes away and they were getting ready to go on their 2 hour lunch break.

We went to to hospital and waited our turn. He was such a trooper. He didn't cry much and was very brave. Eventually we went in for x-rays and discovered that he did in fact break his arm. He has what is called a Torus layman's terms, his bones buckled on impact. It heals faster than complete fractures. They gave him some Motrin, a splint, and sent us on our way. Now we just have to wait until Wednesday to see the Orthopedist. He will decide if Boy #3 needs a hard cast and how long he has to wear it.

We got out of there in time to make carpool. On our way home we hit The Cupcake Shop and everyone got a cupcake. They were tasty. I also decided that I wasn't cooking tonight and asked Boy #3 what he wanted for dinner. He told me Chevy's and that is where we went. Dinner was good, spirits are high and now I'm ready for bed.


1. Tink said...

Ouch... What a trooper. I'm glad he is okay and I hope he won't have to have a hard cast. Not for the summer anyway.

2. Aunt Spicy said...

Oh gosh, bless his little heart! But I love that you went for cupcakes and went out for really can be a comfort! Even if the comfort comes from not having to do dishes!

3. Kristin said...

oh, the poor little guy...what a trooper! And for you mom- what a week! I think you have enough mishaps for the whole summer already!

4. Carrie said...

Wow what week you have had Suzi. I hope #3 heals up soon. What a tough guy!

PS have you tried that candy idea yet?

5. Jennifer Paganelli said...

quite a busy week worth that cupcake!!!! Just to let you know the tunic will be available in our shop as an ebook next month. The Halter is a ways off I think next up is our peasent dress.

6. Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

That is one tough kids you have there. I hope he feels better.

7. nikkicrumpet said...

Oh man....definitely now the way to spend the day. I'm glad he's mostly ok...little boys are so dang tough! HOpefully things will start looking up and there will be many more "normal" days!

8. Mammatalk said...

Ouch! Poor little guy! And, how is Mama feeling?

9. Eclectic Chic Style said...

Oh poor little guy, ouch! I've been lucky thus far with no broken bones out of three little ones. ;) I found your blog through Apron Goddesses and love it, so I'm your newest follower. Adore your apron, so festive!
Have a super day!
♥ Teresa

10. Jennifer said...

Just popped over from TAG to say hello and see this ... poor little guy! Man, those monkey bars can be so rough sometimes ... I had a run-in with them myself when I was a kid. No broken bones, but I landed face first so hard I can still feel it when I think about it.

Love the 4th of July apron you made for the giveaway!

11. brokenteepee said...

Sorry about your little boy's arm! Popping over from TAG to say hello and what a lovely apron and where's my cupcake? Goats like cupcakes....

12. Robynn's Ravings said...

Hey Savvy Suzy! Monkey bars are for monkeys but my son always insisted he was one. I finally accepted the truth of his statements. Your poor guy!

Popped over from the Apron Goddesses and saw your way cute apron. Great job and you're my kind of friend - you bring her an apron AND a cupcake? No wonder you are loved! lol

13. theUngourmet said...

Wow! Big Day! I'm so sorry about your son's arm! My son hasn't broken any bones yet. I'm still waiting. :0)

Love the Apron!

14. Terri said...

You poor dear - what a week you've had! :) I found you from TAG's website and I have to say I love it! :)

15. Ryan Ashley Scott said...

Cupcakes and then dinner of his choice? He's got it made. Well, you know... other than agonizing pain. Poor little guy, I hope he heals quickly.

16. Grand Pooba said...

Wow, a broken arm? Poor boy #3! (odd name btw, I think you may have scarred your boys for life naming them all numbers)

And now I'm craving a cupcake.

17. Debbie said...

You sure do know how to roll with the punches! Good for you.

18. Frogs in my formula said...

Eeeek I am not ready for boyhood injuries. I am going to try to adopt your attitude. Thankfully I have a few years to practice it.

19. Ashley said...

Poor guy! I hope he is feeling better. Maybe next time he will listen to Mom. Haha!

20. Rhiannon Bosse said...

Oh my gosh I swear kids are way more tough than us adults haha I would have been crying!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering my giveaway. Your kind words are also very appreciated! Have a happy hopefully-safe weekend!! :)