
Monday, June 1, 2009

Boy did I hit the Mother Load....

Wow, this morning started off on a rocky start.....I guess this is what you don't want a typical Monday to be. My dear loving hubby gets in the shower at about 5:30 and takes the shortest shower known to him (he likes them really warm and really long). He lasted in there probably less than 5 minutes then crawls back into bed with his cold body to tell me that he used all the hot water (typical). Instead of getting mad (like I usually do) I tell him that's fine. He proceeds to put and icicle of a hand on my shoulder and says he thinks the hot water heater is broken and he suffered through a fast, cold shower. Great, just what I want to spend money on....a new water heater.

I get up to make lunches for the boys and hear a whining noise in the back room. I go investigate and find that the problem is not my water heater, it is my washing machine. It was on all night......filling with water and pouring out of the bottom. In essence we had a flood in the laundry room ALL. NIGHT. LONG. Sadly I am faced with cleaning up a flood, making sandwiches, breakfast, cocoas, harassing the boys to get dressed and brush their teeth. This is the way I always want to start the week. The only thing missing was the incessant fighting that usually goes with the morning madness. I guess I can thank God for the little things.

Now on to the good stuff!
See this pretty pink box? It was from Pooba.

I bet you want to know what is inside. Here is a sneak peak.

Can yo see them now?

Now they're ready to ea!

Jealous? You should be!

Pooba sent me those out of pity because she loves me so much. We made a deal that was all about an apron over at The Apron Goddesses. Both of us has been entering to win a give away week after week and our number was always a bit elusive so we decided to gift each other if we didn't win. Well Pooba won! So she sent me a pity package of those tasty treats. Betcha want one. Too bad, they only lasted a day. My boys had plans for them. I did however sneak 2 before the wolves attacked. Thanks Pooba!!!!


1. Roxane said...

Oh man what a morning you had! Thank Goodness you had some cookies to save you from total disaster...

2. theUngourmet said...

I am so sorry about your washer! If I lived closer I would have helped you clean up! :0)

That was nice of Pooba to send you those yummies!!

3. Aunt Spicy said...

Love that idea! And glad you were able to get two, you totally deserve it!

4. Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

Lucky you... did you know washing machine disasters always call for cookies. Good thing Pooba was there to save the day. Yummy!

5. Kristin said...

I'm sorry about your washing maching problems. You are the 4th preson I know that has had a flood like that this week- very weird! I hope things got cleaned up without too much getting ruined. Glad you had some cookies to cheer you up!

6. Carrie said...

That totally made up for you manic Monday. What an awesome treat

7. monica said...

Wow what a morning you had. Of course it had to happen on a Monday! Those cookies look delightful - Do you know where she got them from or did she make them? I want one!

8. YaYa's Funhouse said...

wow, talk about getting started on the "wrong foot". Glad it ended well with surprise package.

9. Tink said...

What a tough morning. How great to get such a nice cookie surprise.

10. Erika said...

Hey, Nice Hair cut!

11. Grand Pooba said...

What a morning! I would have made my husband heat up some water on the stove for me...not really but I'd like to think he would...

...You are so welcome for the cookies. You know I baked those myself don't you? I'm glad you were able to sneak 2 before the wolves had their way with them!

12. Jenna Z said...

Woah! I am drooling! I am visiting via Apron Goddesses.

13. Sara said...

Those look nomulent!!! That is a word, I swear, I may have spelled it wrong though. HA! Cute blog and sorry about the laundry fiasco. My teen did that. I think I have to replace some moldy carpet soon.

14. Unknown said...

Yum!! Those look tasty! : )